A basic element of continuity between the European peoples across time and space has been the exchange of information about current affairs.  In the 16th and 17th centuries, this network was created; and it continued to exist without interruption throughout the development of national states.
  Therefore, to understand this network is to understand a key feature of Europe as a cultural and geographical entity.  The aim of our research is to trace the network for the transmission of news.  Methodologically, we will be undertaking a series of comparative studies, including the analysis of currently available data as well as the creation of new data where necessary.


International News Flows in the Seventeenth Century: Click for paper


International News Flows in the Seventeenth Century: Click for slides






Soundings are taken in major publication areas (manuscript and print) including cities in France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, Low Countries, Britain, regarding the major research themes, chiefly in seven cross-sections, these being:









The soundings necessary for creation of a working body of material for our seven chosen years are worked into each project secondarily (not as a primary focus).




One principal focus under this theme is on single archives such as the Bremen Press Archive, analyzing German news and its sources, on the basis of ntertextualities within texts in the Archive (handlist of texts in Bogel u. Blühm 1971)


Another  focus attempts to tie in particular archives with other archives:  for instance, the Medici Archive Project and the German Press Archive.


Yet another focus ties manuscript with printed news (Venice archives with Vatican archives; Florence archives with Early Printed Newspapers etc.)




This theme concerns the spatial dimensions of communication, in terms of cognitive cartography and the formation of spatial consciousness, on the one hand, and, on the other, the actual creation of links between places via manuscript and print exchanges.




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